Dermal Fillers

What are dermal fillers?
Dermal fillers are gel-like agents that are injected under the skin to stimulate collagen growth. While Botox/Dysport injections ease wrinkles by freezing the underlying muscles, dermal fillers smooth out the skin by filling in selected areas where volume and plumpness have diminished over time. Dermal fillers are extremely effective in treating hollowing eyes and cheeks, disappearing lips, sagging chin lines, and marionette lines (or smile lines) at the corners of the mouth.
How is the dermal filler treatment performed?
Before the injection, we apply a topical anesthetic followed by multiple injections at varying depths. The type of anesthetic and injection quantity will be customized and predetermined at the pre-treatment consultation.
How long do the dermal filler results last?
Dermal fillers work instantly, so you will begin to see the results right away, with the full results visible in about 4 weeks. After that, the results last between 6 and 18 months before a follow-up appointment may be necessary.
What are the side-effects of dermal filler treatment?
The topical anesthetic applied beforehand alleviate much of the discomfort of dermal fillers. Dermal fillers may result in temporary tenderness, bruising or swelling. These side-effects usually dissipate shortly after the injection.